About Books & Their Authors!

Besides writing and publishing, my other passion is reading.

Great Reads!

Not to toot my own horn but I would like to first tell you about my helpful literary magazine and current book out, then about other book authors and literary magazines/journals whom I highly recommend you read.

Now for my helpful literary publication:

'The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers Magazine' was founded and is published by author Rosanne Catalano. My magazine takes care to bring you short stories (both fiction & nonfiction), poetry (classical & contemporary), haikus, flash fiction stories, and essays for your reading pleasure! Plus helpful and informative articles of all kinds, and a section that will show you where you can purchase authors' books (some are contributors to my magazine) or where you can subscribe to other literary magazines and journals!


'The Cat's Meow for Writers & Readers Magazine' is published four (4) times a year-January, April, July, and October. It can be read either on my official website or on Issuu.com. Sorry I don't know the direct link for Issuu.com yet, but I will share the link for my site: http://www.thecatsmeowforwritersreaders.com


Now for my current book (I am writing a crime fiction novel, titled 'Escape & Redemption,' just now but it is still a work-in-progress--writing crime fiction ain't easy!) The title of my book is 'Mirrored Images,' and it can be purchased at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, Lulu.com, or directly from my author site:


'Mirrored Images' is a collection of my poetry and short stories. It begins with a poem about, and in dedication to, my late father then flows into a short story about an experience with bullying in the eighth grade of school to a story about being saved by a guardian angel when the story's main character was in her mid 30's to another short story about a little boy whose mother abandons him when she finds a new boyfriend. An interesting read of an author's compilation of poetry and short stories in which you may want to guess which of my stories are fiction or fact.

You can order your very own copy of 'Mirrored Images' at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mirrored-Images-Rosanne-Catalano/dp/1304663469 ; at Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/mirrored-images-rosannecatalano/1105792319 and at Lulu Press: http://www.lulu.com/content/1094520 ; or even on my author website at: http://www.thecatsmeowforwritersreaders.com 


My next book--a crime fiction novel titled 'Escape & Redemption'--is starting off where 'Mirrored Images' left off with my short story titled 'From Bags to Riches.'


On a later post I will tell you about other books and their authors, and about other literary magazines or journals that I recommend you read. Thank you for visiting my blog today! ~Rosanne C.